Yeti Tools CNC SmartBench by Trend
The worlds first industrial, portable, 3D CNC router.

- With a 3 minute setup time, the SmartBench revolutionizes the industry by allowing you to take precise machining to the jobsite. Featuring a color touchpad handheld control unit that can receive jobs/cutting instructions via wi-fi or USB drive.
- Full 4'x8' panel machining can be achieved, with a cutting height of almost 6" (Z height). Longer items can be tiled in the software allowing you to machine products that are longer than 8'.
- Dust collection ready, the SmartBench allows you to work on other tasks while it drills, pockets, mortises, carves, or dados your project.
- Take CNC routing out of the factory and into your workshop with SmartBench, the patented large format, CNC router from YetiTool.
- With it’s touchscreen assistant, light compactable frame and 3-axis cutting capability, everything has been reimagined in designing this industrial grade, user-friendly smart router.
- Not only that, it assembles in 3 minutes or less and can be stored in even the tightest of workshops/industrial units.
- Now you can own a large format CNC at an affordable price with a space friendly footprint.
Available in the following packages (click to view)

To request further information, or an on-line
CNC SmartBench Demonstration with Trend and D&M
OR to place your order, Click button below