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Trend VJS/TG/JIG VJS Trenching & Grooving Jig
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ONLY £127.95 INC
£106.63 EXC
Order within 8h 54m for next working day delivery on Monday 17th March


Trend VJS/TG/JIG VJS Trenching & Grooving Jig

In Our Stock
Ready For Despatch
ONLY £127.95 INC
£106.63 EXC
Order within 8h 54m for next working day delivery on Monday 17th March
Trend VJS/TG/JIG VJS Trenching & Grooving Jig
- Allows grooves and tenons to be cut using a router.
- Can be used to crosscut boards with a router or circular saw.
- Frame is adjustable to allow narrower or wider grooves to be routed.
- The max. adjustment is 70mm depending on the diameter of the router base.
- The edge of the frame can be used as a guide to trim a panel square using a router.
- Two sliding stops to set groove length.
- Squaring butt has the facility to accept a spelch block to allow a full-length groove.
- Fixing screws are included for this purpose. Working length is 400mm.
- Can be used with any plunge router fitted with a guide bush of minimum 8mm projetction.
- Router not included.
- Working length based on 30 mm guide bush and 12 mm diameter cutter being used:-
- Max. without end stops used=412 mm
- Max. with one end stop used=397 mm
- Max. with two end stops used=382 mm
- Max. working width using end stops* (12mm dia. cutter)= 18 mm
- Max. width adjustment depending on router base diameter=70 mm
*Due to end stop length