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This item is delivered direct from the manufacturer so is subject to being in stock with them. Should the item not be in stock with the manufacturer, you will be contacted either by telephone or email at the earliest opportunity (during trading hours 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Sat).
It will not be available for same day collection if you place a Click & Collect. You will be notified by phone or email when item is ready to collect.
A multi-purpose adhesive which bonds immediately on contact. It is temperature resistant with a high shear strength and an excellent final bond strength.
Decorative laminates, Rigid PVC, Wood, Chipboard, Hardboard, Cork, Leather, Rubber, Stone, Metal, Dense film fabrics, Ceramics, and Glass
(Not suitable for use on polystyrene or cellulose painted surfaces).
Size . 2.5 litre tin.
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